WordPress Community all over the World

WordPress is a united community all over the world. I'm a member of WP Paris Association ( even if I don't live in Paris anymore ;).

It's my first WordPress Community. The monthly Meetups have allowed me to enrich my knowledge on WordPress and to know people who share my passion. We also have one same goal: spend good moments with others.

Since December I have been part of the WPSFO association. In the San Francisco Bay Area there are several WordPress Meetups. On March 26, 2017, I made my first talk.

Talk | Speed Geek

March 26, 2017

Since I get so much from the WordPress community, I shared with other members my experience with Gulp.js

We were 44 for this Meetup. I had a quick micro-presentation (8 minutes) but I repeated it 4 times with little groups of people.

I use gulp for all my projects, it's a powerfull tool.

What I did...
  • I prepared the Twitter Image
  • I prepared my presentation
  • Shannon prepared the video of my presentation
    My spoken English is not yet fluent, but I'm working on that.
  • ...

WordPress Meeetup San Francisco -California
Pinnacles National Park California
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